WARRINGTON South MP Helen Southworth has become the latest in a long line of people to lend their support to a charity record-breaking attempt in a bid to reduce the number of young runaways in the town.

Mrs Southworth joined members of Warrington Youth Parliament to support ARC's 'Talk...Don't Walk' project.

More than 10,932 footprints need to be collated if ARC is to break the record set in November last year by the National Geographic Society.

The goal of the project is for the footprints to reach two miles, the average distance a young runaway travels before they think about turning back.

The unique project intervenes soon after a youngster or teenager is reported missing from home and involves the entire family in addressing the issue behind why they have run away in the first place.

Mrs Southworth said: "One of the main objectives of the project is to reduce the number of repeat runaways in Warrington and it is already showing signs of success. We don't want children and young people to repeatedly run away, as the longer they are on the streets the more at risk they are of becoming involved in stealing, begging, drugs or even prostitution as a way of surviving."

Amy Cockcroft, a member of the Youth Parliament, said: "The campaign and record attempt are vital to raise awareness of the dangers of running away."

If you would like to become a record breaker, or get your school or organisation involved in the campaign, call ARC on 246910.