IMPROVED street cleaning, better lighting and a review of housing allocation policy are just some ideas being considered to quash drug dealing in the O'Leary Street area.

Calls for plans to improve the neighbourhood were made following a walkabout carried out by Warrington North MP Helen Jones.

She was joined by chief executive of the borough council David Whitehead, Golden Gates Housing director Peter Mercer and officers from Cheshire Police including Inspector Damien Smethurst.

Mrs Jones said: "Walking through the area proved to be a very useful exercise and I would like to thank all involved for joining me.

"We identified a number of issues that need to be tackled. Some can be dealt with immediately such as improving street cleaning, cleaning up graffiti and providing better lighting around Peninsula House.

"Other improvements to the environment like removing walls, providing green areas and erecting fencing will need consultation with residents and some planning before they can be completed.

"The drugs problem has been tackled with police action taken against the dealers. The police are tackling the anti-social behaviour in the area and will continue to do so."

Ms Jones raised the drugs problem in O'Leary Street during Prime Minister's Question Time back in March, when Tony Blair offered his support to a campaign to get CCTV cameras installed in a bid to combat the issue.