IT'S official, the people of Warrington have the friendliest accent in the world.

After conducting global research, a contact centre on Wilderspool Causeway found the perfect voice to calm irate customers - the silky tones of the Warrington accent.

Tests found the Warrington voice was most effective in quickly calming irate callers, turning frowns to smiles.

Janet Messenger, of Stockton Heath, contact centre sales manager at CPM has been chosen to pass on some of the charm oozing from the Warrington accent to the company's staff worldwide.

Janet, aged 51, will travel to the Netherlands, South Africa and Australia to conduct the in-depth voice coaching sessions.

Janet said: "I'm certainly looking forward to going to so many fantastic destinations and getting a tan while delivering my training programme.

"However, I think the cherry on the cake is being able to take a little bit of Warrington to such a variety of different countries.

"The people of Warrington are so warm.

"Living in such a friendly town I find people go out of their way to make others feel welcome.I am sure these qualities shine through in our accent."