A GRAPPENHALL father has issued a warning to dog owners after his pet boxer was stolen and sold to an unsuspecting couple in less than half an hour.

Taxi driver Tony Humphries, his wife, Julie, and two sons, Sam and Charlie, were distraught when their 10-month-old dog, Flynn, escaped out of the garden via the back gate.

Mr Humphries said: "The kids were devastated and my wife was very upset.

"In about five to 10 minutes we realised he was missing and we were out looking for him."

The family was especially worried because Flynn needs to take medication every day due to a skin condition that can cause rashes and can lead to heavy scratching.

Mr Humphries placed an advert in the Midweek Guardian and put out flyers explaining the white boxer's skin condition and asking for his return.

He said: "I was telephoned by a couple who saw one of the flyers, they had bought Flynn within half an hour of him going missing.

"In a matter of minutes he must have been picked up and put in a car."

Mr Humphries reimbursed the couple the £150 they paid for Flynn as well as a further reward.

He warned: "Apparently this is common. Dogs are taken off the street and sold to order. People need to know that this is going on."

Heather Holmes, a spokesman for the RSPCA, said: "This sounds unusual, but like anything of value, people will steal dogs, especially pedigrees, because they are desirable.

"If you are ever offered a dog you should be asking yourself 'what are the circumstances?'

"If you buy a dog in this way you don't know whether it has been vaccinated or micro-chipped.

"We always recommend you buy from a reputable breeder or animal centre.

"Your dog can be micro-chipped, which means it has a unique number and if it strays, it can be traced back to the owner."