FOUNDATIONS are being laid for a new shop that will front King Street.

Workmen started the work in March and are expected to take another five weeks to complete the job.

It will pave the way for a new building that will be sandwiched between Hallmark card shop and the protected part of the Royal George.

Later this month workmen will begin excavating Knutsford's first underground car park.

That is when traders and shoppers can expect the most disruption with lorries removing piles of rubble.

A three-month project to build the steel framework of the units that will link King Street to Princess Street is due to start on Monday.

Within the next two weeks Philip Hughes, the man behind the £10million Royal George development, hopes to secure contracts for the masonry and roofing work.

Last week he said the team were making good progress after a slow start to the year.

"Everything is full steam ahead now," he said.