MIDDLEWICH residents have been left baffled by a trail of rubber bands that have been littering the town's streets.

According to Middlewich Town Mayor Jim Basford, a number of people have contacted him because they have found small piles of red elastic bands outside their houses and on the pavements at various points in the town.

Clr Basford said: "People have approached me about the number of red rubber bands they've been finding all over the place.

"To be honest I had never noticed them before they were pointed out to me but since I was told I've seen them everywhere. I found some outside my own house in my drive and along Weston Close the other day."

And Clr Basford, who lives in Longhorn Close, believes he knows who the culprits are. He said: "Apparently the postal service uses red rubber bands to keep the letters together and it looks as if the workers have just been throwing them on the ground.

"It seems a waste of money - it must be costing the Post Office a small fortune. But apart from that there is an issue of littering as well."

A spokeswoman for Royal Mail said that the firm had not received any direct complaints from Middlewich residents but said that staff would be reminded to be more careful.

She said: "We do use biodegradable red elastic bands to bundle the mail for delivery. Postal staff do their utmost to ensure they do not drop these bands when delivering mail and we will remind staff to take extra care when opening bundles on delivery."

She added: "If residents do have any further concerns they should contact Royal Mail sorting office by ringing 0845 774 0740."