THEY say there's no such thing as a free lunch but two hospice fundraisers set out to disprove this theory by filling their supermarket trolleys with shopping - and then leaving without paying.

But Wendy Gibson and Joanne Horne did not attract the attention of security guards at the Morrison's store in Winsford on Sunday, April 3, because their £250 trolley dash was the top prize awarded in a Ladies Circle raffle.

Fundraiser Wendy said: "We couldn't believe it when the draw took place and the ticket pulled out had St Luke's written on the back. It has happened though in previous draws. People buy tickets to raise funds for the hospice but they also donate the prize to us.

The Ladies Circle presented £790 to the hospice from the sale of tickets and now the donated prize has sent this figure over the £1,000 mark.

Wendy added: "We just want to say a big thank you to whoever the anonymous donor was. It means so much to us that someone was kind enough to give the prize to the hospice."