A MEETING that will give thousands of people the chance to raise issues affecting life in Winsford will take place this month.

The first joint meeting of all six residents' associations has been set for April 27 and organisers hope it will allow them to identify and prioritise issues of concern.

Mike Kennedy, chairman of Grange Residents' Association, said: "I believe that residents of Winsford find it easier to talk to community groups rather than an agency or authority.

"We firmly believe that a group representing more than 3,000 residents should and will be heard.

"For too long we have heard it is a waste of time and that they don't listen. Communities should take more responsibility in reporting issues and this may be the time to do it."

Mr Kennedy, who is also chairman of the Cheshire Federation of Residents' Associations, is hopeful the joint meeting will be effective in bringing residents and agencies closer together.

He said: "There is a groundswell from all community groups that all authorities and agencies are too fragmented at the moment and individual associations are finding it difficult to put forward concerns to the right people. The residents in these areas of Winsford believe that they have their ears to the ground and can truly say 'only we know the issues'.

"Residents of Winsford are now showing an ever increasing willingness to be heard - six associations in one town has been unheard of for quite some time.

"Doesn't this show that people are frustrated but will only raise issues in their own community and at a venue they feel comfortable with?"

For more information contact Mike Kennedy on 01606 552516.