MOTORISTS in Winsford will be driving on better roads following the completion of work to improve the condition of highways in the town.

The improvements have been made to a number of roads including Delamere Street, Chester Road and Woodford Lane West.

Town and county councillor Pam Booher is delighted with the improvements.

She said: "All these roads were in a bad state of repair so the work was badly needed.

"These are roads that are heavily used so I'm sure people will see a difference."

Clr Booher brought the state of the roads in Winsford to the attention of the highways department at Cheshire County Council.

She said: "I was surprised at just how bad the roads were.

"When I was on Woodford Lane West I realised the holes in that road were quite big so it was important that something was done about it.

"A lot of people told me that the roads were quite bad and I'm pleased that the county council has responded to these concerns.

"There was some money left at the end of the year to do this and so we did.

"Further work will be carried out soon on parts of Delamere Street so this is ongoing and other roads will be looked at."