A WINSFORD man is preparing to go the through the pain barrier to raise money to fund research into an illness that his best friend's daughter suffers from.

David Motherwell, 37, of Gleneagles Drive, has been in intensive training since he decided to take part in the London Marathon and has so far raised £2,800 to help sufferers of cystic fibrosis.

David was inspired to take on the challenge by his lifelong friend Tony Cocker's three-year-old daughter Jodi, who suffers from the illness. He said: "Cystic fibrosis affects the vital organs and there is a lot of gene therapy going on to find a cure.

"It is the most common life threatening inherited disease so I just wanted to do whatever I could to help people like Jodi."

Jodi's father Tony Cocker, of Nixon Drive, is delighted that his friend is willing to do so much to help his daughter.

He said: "We have been friends for 33 years and for him to do this for us is amazing."

David has been on a strict training regime and has not touched a drop of alcohol since New Year's Eve. He said: "It has been difficult but it's going to be worth it. There are a lot of generous people around in Winsford and that has been a huge help.

"I'm certainly looking forward to my first pint after the race is over.

"I just don't want to let anyone down and want to raise as much money as I can."