A YOUTH club in Winsford may be forced to close following a series of attacks by vandals which have left members and workers distraught.

Vandals smashed through the doors of the youth club, based at Willow Wood Community Centre, and threw paint around the room and stole items including a Playstation and a number of games.

They also destroyed two televisions by pouring paint into the back of them during the incident, which took place sometime during the weekend of April 2 and 3.

Jill McQuaid, coordinator for Winsford Youth Forum, said: "We are hoping to highlight this situation because it can't go on.

"We just can't afford to keep replacing items and it is the kids who are missing out.

"They don't have a television anymore and can no longer play on computer games so it is going to be really difficult for us."

The youth club has been targeted by vandals three times in the past 12 months and has destroyed years of hard work.

Jill said: "The last time they stole old photographs from the walls which was extremely disappointing.

"I just don't know why they do it.

"This time they threw paint everywhere and smashed up furniture as well as stealing the Playstation and games."

Jill, who has been involved in the youth club for 15 years, is now appealing for help from the community in replacing the damaged and stolen property.

She said: "If anyone has a Playstation or television that they no longer use then we would be delighted to have it for the children.

"This youth club has been going for 15 years and it would be such a shame if it had to close because of this."