LEISURE facilities in Winsford will come under the spotlight again tomorrow night, Thursday, when council bosses discuss the future of the Civic Hall.

Vale Royal Borough Council's Executive Group will consider a recommendation by the social review committee to replace the Civic Hall with a new facility at The Drumber.

The plans have been met with controversy by some councillors who believe the hall should be redeveloped rather than closed down.

Winsford Town Mayor Don Beckett is one of the people opposed to the plans as he believes it is simply a cost cutting exercise and is hopeful the Civic Hall will stay. Proposals to be discussed by the Executive Group include incorporating Winsford Sports Complex, Dingle Centre and Civic Hall into one building.

Vale Royal Borough Council has promised that should the plans be given approval the existing buildings would stay open until the new facility is built.

See next week's Guardian for the outcome of the meeting.