My dentist refused to treat me because of my children

A MOTHER was refused treatment at a Winsford dentist because she took her young children along with her to the surgery.

Lynn Moss, of Birkdale Gardens, was appalled when her dentist at the High Street Dental Surgery told her he would not treat her while she had children with her.

She said: "It's completely out of order. My family live 50 miles away and it isn't easy for me to just drop my kids off somewhere so I can go to the dentist.

"They have a crate full of toys there but why would they do that if they don't allow parents to bring their children? I feel like I'm being victimised because I have children and I think it is completely out of order."

Lynn only joined the surgery in December after the birth of her second child and now feels badly let down. She said: "I was struck off the register at my last dentist when my child was born because she had some problems and I wasn't able to keep to the six monthly appointments."

Lynn has lodged an official complaint and is now considering where she will take her family for dental care in the future.

She said: "I have two children aged five and 19 months so it is difficult as it is and I think places like dentists should make sure they can cater for people in my position.

"If they aren't going to let mothers bring young children with them then they should tell us before we sign on and there should be clear notices in the surgery saying that."

Eric Whiley, the dentist who decided to refuse treatment, said: "The patient attended two months ago with a child and it was explained to her then that we didn't let young children in the room while treatment is taking place because it is dangerous.

"We said we could not accept responsibility for the child."