A WINSFORD woman is in need of support to help her win a national beauty competition which she hopes will set her on the road to stardom.

Leeane Booth-Simonsen, of Thirlmere Close, has appeared twice on page three of the Daily Sport newspaper as part of the Search For A Star competition.

The 24-year-old is confident she can win but is asking the Winsford public to give her a helping hand.

She said: "I have been in the paper twice now and the feedback I have received has been brilliant but I still need more.

"I'm appealing for people to call a number and help me to win this competition."

To win the competition would be a dream come true for Leeane, who has always wanted to become a model.

She said: "My family and friends are right behind me and to win this would be incredible.

"If I get through this round then I will go into the final with 10 other girls in London and be treated like a queen.

"Because I have already been in the paper twice I have got my foot in the door so I want to make the most of it."

Lines close for voting tonight, Wednesday, so if you would like to see Leeane win the competition call 09012 993207. Calls cost £1.