RESIDENTS on a Winsford road have taken drastic action in an effort to help police stop vandals who have made their lives a misery.

The situation on Crook Lane has got so bad that residents are installing CCTV cameras in their homes and the scheme has already led to the arrest of two teenagers.

One resident, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals, caught two youths 'karate kicking' a number of cars in the early hours of Saturday, April 2 and their evidence led to the arrests.

The woman said: "It does feel a bit like we are doing the police's job for them but we have to do something because the situation has got out of hand.

"It is about time we stood up to these yobs and although it is difficult we have to do it.

"Our friends and neighbours all feel the same way and are considering installing CCTV as well. This has got to stop and law abiding people can't just rely on the police to do it - we have to work together and help them.

"I can't describe how bad an area this is at the moment and I think people are prepared to do anything to improve it."

Sgt Ian Wood, from Winsford Community Action Team, has praised the residents' initiative.

He said: "We welcome anything that assists us.

"If we get images of young people we've got really good contacts in the community who will be able to identify them."

The anonymous resident is now calling on other people in Winsford to follow her in the fight against crime.

She said: "If people are suffering then I think this is one way that they can protect themselves as well as catch criminals.

"These criminals now know that if they come near the property they will be on camera and if they damage property they will be caught."