THERE have been celebrations at Comberbach Methodist Church, which has just completed its refurbished Sunday school at a cost of £55,000.

For the past five years the church has been raising money for the project and securing a number of grants.

Most of the money was raised from private donations and events ranging from garden parties, spring fairs, concerts and quizzes to murder mystery evenings, sponsored shaves and antique roadshows.

Grants have been obtained from the Methodist Church, Vale Royal Borough Council, Manchester Airport, Brunner Mond Employees Benevolent Fund and Pennycross Trust.

An extra floor has been created along with two new rooms, which have been soundproofed to keep the noise to a minimum.

A spokesman for the fundraising committee said: "We would like to thank all members, friends and residents of Comberbach for their generous and continued support of the project."