YOBS ran riot in Moulton over the weekend as they threatened residents, lit fires and vandalised vehicles.

But despite this, members of the parish council remain upbeat about actions taken to curb anti-social behaviour in the village.

Elaine Beech, parish council clerk, said that as well as two incidents of arson during the weekend, young people threatened and challenged residents in the village and damaged a number of vehicles.

She said: "The youngsters got hold of articles used on properties having work done - such as scaffolding poles.

"The parish council would welcome the co-operation of residents in ensuring no items are left lying around which could be used inappropriately in incidents of anti-social behaviour."

She added: "The parish council is continuing to look at ways to try to reduce and resolve anti-social behaviour."

A lot is currently being done for children and teenagers in Moulton, with plans for a youth club looking promising and the first phase of an upgrade of the village playing fields, off Main Road, likely to be ready by the school summer holidays.

Youth activities and facilities were identified as important issues in the village's parish plan, launched last summer after extensive consultation with residents.

Work done by the Implementation of Moulton Parish Plan youth group (IMPP) since the launch has revealed that village teens and children have a great interest in a youth club and are looking forward to their new play area, the first phase of which will include a multi-use sports area and a shelter with seating for teenagers.