A SPATE of compensation claims has led to council chiefs allocating £50,000 for urgent paving stone repairs in Northwich town centre.

The area between the Iceland store and Northwich library on Witton Street will be re-laid after numerous complaints from people injured by tripping over.

Work will start as soon as money from this year's financial budget is made available, Northwich Town Council's meeting heard last week.

But county councillor George Mainwaring says the funding set aside for repairs is a poor figure in comparison to what has already been paid out in compensation claims.

He added: "Since last April Cheshire county council has had to pay out £917,000 for injuries incurred on unsatisfactory roads, footways and paving slabs."

A spokeswoman for Cheshire County Council confirmed £232,000 was paid out following 232 complaints in the Vale Royal area between April 2003 and April 2004.

Mr Mainwaring said: "This huge amount could have been reduced if the public had highlighted problem areas to us. In my opinion, this money would have been better spent on social services or education."

Now Vale Royal and county councillors have met with the Joint Highways committee to ensure paving in the pedestrianised area will remain safe for the long term.

Mr Mainwaring said: "It's not just about replacing slabs, we have also set up methods of inspection to ensure the situation is controlled on a permanent basis.

"At present, town centre paving is inspected every six weeks and if a slab has moved out of place by 20mm or more, it is deemed a hazard and dealt with as a matter of emergency.

"I fully support the efforts of town councillor Mary Lyon in bringing this issue to Northwich council's attention. It is vital that the public let us know about problem paving areas so we can stop vulnerable people from falling victim to unsafe footing in the future."