THE LION Salt Works in Marston is among the ancient sites under the spotlight at the Cheshire Archaeology Day 2005.

This event takes place on Saturday, April 23, at Northwich Memorial Hall and a small number of tickets are still available.

It will feature four speakers talking about work on archaeological sites in Cheshire.

Dr Jill Collens, Cheshire County Archaeologist, will address the event and there will be displays by local groups, bookstalls and displays of finds.

She said: "This event will appeal to anyone interested in archaeology in the Cheshire area and beyond.

"There will be plenty of information about the latest discoveries as well as the opportunity to meet people involved in the field of archaeology."

Tickets are priced £10 (£8 concessions) and include morning coffee and afternoon tea.

For further information and to book tickets, ring 01244 603656.

Or alternatively email angela.wade@cheshire.