PSYCHIC detectives Christine Hamlett and Jackie Dennis are taking their supernatural talents abroad as they film a pilot show for Canadian television.

The Barnton pair are credited with helping to rid Northwich homes of unwanted spirits and presences for several years and now their psychic abilities will be showcased across the Atlantic after a string of coincidences brought them to the attention of film producer Michael Lamport.

Christine, 47, said: "Jackie's cousin was tracking their family history and went to see a property in Toronto which had been built by former ancestors.

"It just so happened that Michael Lamport lives there now and Jackie's cousin mentioned the work we do in England and he was really interested in finding out more."

Mr Lamport offered the women the chance to film a pilot show called Rescue Mediums, for the WTV network, after watching them solve a mysterious haunting at the Moon Hotel in Derbyshire.

Christine said: "We can't believe we've been given such a great opportunity. We're both so excited and our families are so happy for us."

They depart for Canada on April 29 and will film until May 14. A 26-part show will be commissioned if the pilot is a success.

Christine added: "For the pilot show we're being taken to a location that we have no prior knowledge of to investigate activity there. We've asked to be told nothing so that people don't become sceptical about our work.

"I've got family in Hudson Bay who I'm hoping to see while we're there and we're going to visit North America and Niagara Falls as well. There's even an opportunity to continue the show in France but it's still early days as yet."