A WINSFORD telemarketing company has scooped four awards in recognition of its impressive growth in just one year.

Amanico Ltd, based at the Verdin Exchange, was only set up 12 months ago but judges at the Shell LiveWire Awards were extremely impressed.

The company won Best Business Plan, Best Customer Care, Best Young Enterprise and came second in the competition overall which covered Cheshire, Hooton, Warrington and Wirral.

Mandie Clare, 22, who set up Amanico with business partner Nick Osborne, 26, is delighted they have received the accolades.

She said: "It is great that we have received awards after such a short time in business.

"It has been a really hectic first year but also very satisfying."

Mandie believes it was their customer care that impressed the judges the most.

She said: "It is easy for companies to say they look after their customers but we feel we are doing it properly.

"We have both worked in telemarketing before so we saw a lot of problems that could have been sorted but weren't."

Both Mandie and Nick are looking forward to even more success in the next 12 months.

Mandie said: "We have come such a long way. There were originally only two of us and now there are eight.

"We have also moved offices and are working with some high profile companies.

"We are ridiculously busy at the moment and we are hoping we will continue to expand.

"There are lots of people helping us like Business Link and that has been very important.

"It was a risk starting our own business and we are still young, so it is pleasing that things are going so well."