ASBESTOS dust and debris have been discovered under the stage in Northwich Memorial Hall, on Chesterway, but work has already begun to remove it safely.

Activities in the popular hall will continue as normal and the Hayhurst Restaurant will also remain open while the residual asbestos is removed.

It was found during a programmed inspection of public buildings by Vale Royal Borough Council.

A specially licensed operator was brought on Monday to remove it.

A temporary corridor has been erected for the asbestos to be taken safely to a fire exit and on to the car park.

Clr John Grimshaw, lead councillor for leisure at Vale Royal Borough Council, said: "Customers and staff at the memorial hall will not be affected by this as we have carried out comprehensive health and safety checks.

"Asbestos is found in many old buildings and we are pleased to have discovered this as part of our planned inspections.

"A full report will be undertaken following the removal of the asbestos."

He added: "It will be business as usual in the Hayhurst Restaurant and the main hall will be reopened as soon as the work is completed."

The work will take three weeks to finish.

A spokeswoman for Vale Royal Borough Council said: "Regulations have changed and in the past what we are moving now would not have been picked up.

"The dust is in a large area under the stage which will be screened off a couple of feet away from the stage to the fire door next to it.

"The stage and hall can still be used."