I HAVE spent yet another bank holiday listening to high-powered noisy off-road motorcycles tearing around the village of Lostock.

Our grinning chief constable plastered across local papers, says his children keep him in touch with what is going on. Well they are not doing a very good job, this problem has been with Lostock for more than 10 years - why let it get so out of hand?

These morons ride these machines on the footpaths, the roads, in fact anywhere they wish. It has now got to the stage where local farmers cannot sow their crops.

PC Fraser White says the problem is catching the offenders and making them realise they are committing a criminal offence.

I think these morons already know that. Fraser goes on to say 'if you warn someone and they are caught a second time then we can confiscate their machines, but the problem is catching them a second time'. With more police officers than ever, one would think that catching a few morons on motorbikes would be easy.

Could our chief constable answer one simple question? If I were to drive my car dangerously on footpaths, over fields of crops, up and down Manchester Road after dark without lights, with no tax, no insurance, no seat belt, or at 60mph in a 40mph area, would I as a motorist be given a warning? And if not, why not?


Lostock Gralam