I AM absolutely sick to the back teeth of reading about anti-social behaviour.

It would seem to be the scourge of society today so the question is, why are we putting up with it?

We know anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) are given to people who enjoy making other people's lives a misery, but they are a joke. Just read in the press how many times the wrong-doers break them.

I am dismayed that a small minority is allowed to spoil it for the majority. The so-called do-gooders and reformists have really messed up the quality of life in general for ordinary hard working families.

It is no longer safe to venture out on the streets at night, with fear of harassment, intimidation or even worse, assault, from gangs of youths gathering outside shops or other meeting places.

I used to be a teenage tearaway back in the 1970s and if I could have got away with it the way they do today, I would have had a field day. The only deterrent that the teachers and police can use these days is strong language. What a laugh.

I suggest bringing back the cane and giving teachers a chance, before they all leave their profession.

I received the cane many times throughout my school life and it did me no harm at all.

I suggest we go back to a system that did at least stand a chance of working. If that is not possible, then exclude all the bad apples before they turn the rest bad. A persistent offender eventually has to be quarantined for the good of the majority.

I would like to see more involvement from local services like the police, fire service, army cadets, St John Ambulance, and Prince's Trust to try to get teenagers actively involved and feel a part of the community they live in. Local businesses should also be encouraged to be more involved and perhaps train youngsters to get involved in a recognized trade or practical skill after school hours.

Basically, if we could show the younger generation that being constructive is a better option than being destructive then maybe, just possibly maybe, we can regain some respect that has obviously been lost totally lost.

