THE Inner Wheel Club of Northwich met on March 17 at Hartford Village Hall.

President Judy Hubball welcomed everyone. She thanked Margaret Cunliffe for hosting a friendship lunch at her home when £210 was raised for the Send a Farm charity.

Vice president Janet Wild reported on the district rally held in Manchester when all the Inner Wheel clubs of the district met together for a lunch. This was a chance to meet members from other clubs.

Overseas officer Hilary Marsh reported that the target of £2,000 for Send a Farm to Africa stands at £1,905.22. The Rev Colin Smith is to be invited to the overseas evening in April to receive a cheque, as the remaining amount should be raised at that meeting.

Inner Wheel members helped with the Rotary Swimathon event in March when £12,000 was raised.

Judy then introduced the speaker, Rotarian Ted Hawker, who gave a talk on the Canals to Moscow. Hazel Palin thanked him and presented him with a cheque for his charity.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, April 21.