A LUNCH meeting of the Vale Royal (Cheshire) Branch of the ESU was held on March 8.

There were 79 members and guests present.

June Lancelyn Green, president of the Liverpool ESU and by profession a speech and drama expert, gave a fascinating description of the life of the Travelling Empress.

She was Queen Constance of Sicily and lived in the 12th century. The book The Travelling Empress, written by Mary Taylor Simeti, describes Queen Constance's life. She was one of the wealthiest women in Europe.

Queen Constance married a German prince named Henry, crossing the Alps to meet him.

Roger, an illegitimate relative of hers, was crowned Emperor in 1191.

She became Empress of the Holy Roman Empire when her husband succeeded Roger.

She eventually gave birth to a son and when she left to cross the Alps, she had to leave him behind. During her talk, Mrs Lancelyn Green described the architecture of Palermo as very beautiful and a mixture of Christian and Muslim influences.

She showed members some interesting slides to illustrate this, together with some slides of the clothes that the Empress would have worn. Mrs Lancelyn Green dressed up in some of the period costumes. She was thanked by Joan Tucker, who said how much she had enjoyed the talk, slides and costume show.

More information about the ESU can be obtained by contacting Alex Southcombe on 01606 889868.