TWO men armed with a knife and a sawn-off shot gun raided a shop in Cinammon Brow late on Wednesday night.

Now detectives are looking for help in tracing the pair and their vehicle.

The robbery took place at the Spar shop on Cinammon Lane North at 9.40pm.

Witnesses say the pair entered the shop, one carrying a knife and the other with what looked like a

sawn-off shotgun.

Three members of staff were working at the time and the robbers escaped with a

quantity of cash and some of the staff's personal belongings.

The two men are described as white and aged about 30.

Members of Warrington CID are looking for anyone who may have seen the men or anyone seen acting suspiciously in the area. Police also want to contact a man who entered the Spar shop immediately after the men had left.

Anyone with information should call Warrington CID on 01244 613833 or in confidence to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.