A MASTERMIND of Martin Bell's successful General Election campaign wants to become an MP.

Bill Givens is challenging for the Southport seat and yesterday (Tuesday) asked those who were inspired by Mr Bell to help him.

"You need a lot of people out there knocking on doors and visiting schools," he said.

"If I get one or two people from Tatton helping me then I would be pleased."

Mr Givens was Mr Bell's guru during the four weeks it took to cause one of the biggest upsets in political history.

Together they sealed the fate of former Tory Cabinet Minister Neil Hamilton, who was embroiled in the cash-for-questions scandal.

After helping Mr Bell to victory he founded the Knutsford-based Democracy Trust, which was designed to raise standards in public life.

Mr Bell, who visited Southport two weeks ago, has now endorsed Mr Givens' candidature.

"He was a key advisor to me in the Tatton campaign 1997 and is a candidate of integrity and independence," he said.

Mr Givens, a 56-year-old grandad, will stand as a Your Party candidate, but faces an uphill struggle against the Conservatives and Liberal-Democrats.

He wants emergency treatment for children restored at Southport Hospital. Call him on 01704 579241 or 0777 8901330.