A GREYHOUND dog is receiving urgent medical attention after it was found abandoned in Helsby with weeping pressure sores covering its body.

And within 24 hours of the animal arriving at the RSPCA centre, a second greyhound in similar condition was discovered in the Warrington area.

This news comes just two weeks after the Guardian reported two dogs were dumped on the M56 in Helsby and now workers at the RSPCA animal welfare centre say they are appalled by the injuries received by the latest casualties.

Warrington RSPCA centre manager Christine Walkden said: "They have both got open wounds and smell like they have been like that for a while."

RSPCA workers will now try to track down the owners of the animals.

Nadine Pengelli, inspector for Warrington and Runcorn, said: "It is an offence to leave animals in circumstances which may cause them suffering and because of the condition of these greyhounds, we would like to trace the owners with a view to prosecution.

"They are both very skinny and have pressure sores consistent with them being tied up, locked in a shed and being left to stand in their own urine."

Both animals are currently being treated by a vet and will be re-homed by dog wardens in due course.

Anyone with any information on the incidents can ring the confidential RSPCA hotline on 0870 555999 or the Warrington RSPCA centre on 01925 632944.