CRIPPLED firefighter Vic Washby stood up for the first time in more than a year - just weeks after receiving lifesaving stem cell surgery in China.

His five-year-old daughter, Nadia was astonished - she could only ever remember seeing him in a wheelchair.

"She said: "Dad, you're a giant!" as Vic, debilitated with motor neurone disease, stood supported by medics at a hospital in Bejing.

Vic's elated stepmum, Joyce, said: "Little by little, he is improving.

"They got him to his feet, with an appliance. He has not stood up for over a year. His little daughter didn't remember him standing up. He's 6ft 3 - she thought he was a giant!"

World-leading surgeon Dr Huang drilled two holes in Vic's brain on March 25, to implant stem cells taken from unborn foetuses.

Vic, who works at Halton's community fire safety centre, is only the second British person to undergo this revolutionary treatment - banned for ethical reasons in Britain and America.

His dad, Vic, funded the $20,000 trip, helped by relatives, friends and firefighters who fundraised.

"He seems to be getting movement in the fingers of one hand," said Joyce. "And his other hand is getting life into it.

"His wife, Katrina says he is able to move his arms to help her put his clothes on. It's all positive. His breathing is getting better as well. I woke him up at 7am and he was talking to me. There was no sign of gasping."

Vic, a firefighter for 13 years, is making such good progress, he is expected to fly home this week with his family.

"We'll know more when we see him," said Joyce. "He'll be able to carry on with the treatment when he gets back."