A NATIONAL design accolade has been bestowed on Halton's £7m theatre and arts centre.

The Brindley has won the Centre Vision Special Award in the 2005 Civic Trust Awards for the project which contributes the most to the improvement of a town centre.

Speaking exclusively to The World, architect Richard Brearley, said: "We're very very proud of it.

"It is iconic. The prime generator of the idea was the site itself. The green space was raised above the old town centre with the view back across the town towards the tremendous bridge."

The spacious light filled curving foyer, he said, was designed to entice people into the building.

"We wanted to make people feel very welcome when they came in," said Mr Brearley, of London firm John Miller & Partners. "In a sense, the entry is on two levels. Their eye is led round the curve and upwards through to the canal level. We wanted to make sure all the public spaces came off the curving foyer, almost like a curving internal street."

Judges were very impressed by The Brindley's unique design, its range of uses, how it has revitalised the area and become a catalyst for further regeneration.

Cllr Rob Polhill, board member for development, said: "I would like to congratulate everyone involved in the project."

Vivienne Newlands, Civic Trust Awards manager, said: "The Civic Trust Awards are a tough standard to meet - development that is not just excellent from a design perspective, but which has also made a positive contribution to its environment and community.

"Winners are projects making a real difference to villages, towns and cities across the UK."

The Brindley, named after the engineer who designed the Bridgewater Canal, has a 420-seat auditorium, 108-seat studio, gallery and terrace caf.