WHY is it our road tax goes to pay for two lane roads to keep congestion under control and then council workers come along and paint out one lane to stop it being used for some reason? Can someone explain this?

But in other places there are no markings on the road at all so traffic meanders from one lane to the other.

One place in particular comes to mind, the roundabout at the entrance to the Trident Park in Runcorn.

Traffic uses both lanes to go round the roundabout when traffic on the left should only turn into Trident Park.

In other places the road markings are the wrong way round, as at the lights at Heath/Clifton Road.

Traffic turning left has a clear run but traffic going straight on up Heath Road has to wait for the traffic turning right into Moughland Lane, which in turn have to wait for the traffic coming down Heath Road.

Should the traffic going straight up Heath Road not be in the left hand lane, as the traffic turning left has no obstructions in front of them?

George Davies,

Navigation Close,
