Oh how I laugh at Mr Webster's inane tirades on country sports.

He is a dinosaur, not in touch with middle England and as for Mr Foster's comments are concerned, I only hope his forecasts are correct.

Watching horses and dogs running around a track being whipped or duped by a false hare is simply mindless.

It's good to know that the people of England are slowly standing in unison against these alleged 'sports'.

These dinosaurs are now in the minority and the future rosier.

Barbaric pastimes of the country set will one day be a thing of the past.

What fun is it filling a wood with pheasants only to shoot them?

Moreover, what fun is it to develop a tract of Moorland perfect for grouse to breed on, then call August 12 'glorious' as innocent grouse plummet landward victim of the marksman's gun?

If you can be jailed for taking the eggs of these birds why can't you be fined for shooting them?

My delight will only be complete when fishing is made illegal.

Ranjit al Rashid, Alexandra Street, Widnes