
Don Parsons was a much-respected man in Warrington. His work with the probation service, followed by ministry at the Bold Street Mission, was accompanied by the formation of the Warrington branch of the University of the Third Age.

Following his death some weeks ago, a memorial service is being held at Padgate Methodist Church (which became Don's spiritual home on retirement) at 4pm on Sunday, April 17, and former friends and colleagues are invited to join Norma and Methodist companions on that occasion.


The now traditional pre-election meetings with candidates organised by Churches Together in Warrington will be held at 8pm on Sunday, April 24.

For Warrington North constituency, St Philip's Church, Westbrook, is to be the venue, with St John's United Reformed Church, Wilderspool Causeway serving Warrington South. The occasion provides an opportunity to hear from, and put questions to, the candidates.

"Please note, it should be possible to put questions from the floor during the meeting, but questions submitted in advance are likely to be given precedence," says CTW moderator the Rev Ian Elliott. Please contact Mrs Nicky Lees 650265 for Warrington North or Ian 630057 for Warrington South.


The Salvation Army Symphonic Wind Ensemble is composed of musicians from around the country, including three local to Warrington, under the leadership of composer and music publisher Andrew Mackereth.

SASWE will be performing for the first time in the north west at the citadel. The concert of original works and arrangements, many based on famous hymns, will be held at 7pm on May 28. Tickets are available from 415000 or on the door.


It was a privilege both to be invited to attend the wedding of a Muslim couple last weekend, and to speak about the Christian understanding of marriage.

It illustrates that Council of Faiths contacts do not lead to a faith mish-mash, rather that through learning more about the faiths to which others are committed, the growth of mutual respect and friendship can blossom.