FOOTBALLERS today are constantly in the news and it is not always for their goal scoring habits on the pitch.

Let's take the recent incidents at Newcastle where team mates Lee Bowyer and Kieron Dyer had a punch up in front of 50,000 fans, on what the chairman has called the club's 'blackest day'.

This kind of behaviour clearly cannot be accepted.

Let's not forget Wayne Rooney, who has also come under fire for swearing during matches.

What kind of example do these footballers set for young people?

When two children fight in a playground is this the result of something they saw on TV?

Or is the reason for a child swearing the fault of a footballer they saw the previous night?

Whatever the reasons are for this aggressive behaviour, players must realise that they do have a responsibility to set a good example for young people and that they are role models whether they like it or not.

Foul play from footballers