LIKE thousands of other people, when I was told by doctors I was suffering from cancer, my first reaction was to fear the worst, but I soon realised this is an illness like any other and the doctors and nurses took over my life for the next few months.

All my treatment was done at Clatterbridge NHS Hospital and the service I got from this hospital can only be described as wonderful, from the drivers who take you for your treatment every day, the doctors, the nurses, all the staff, who greet you each day with a smile and a cheery word.

The hospital itself looked like it was scrubbed clean every day and it was spotless.

So my reason for writing this letter is: do not be like me and fear the worst, keep motivated, do as you are told by the doctors, nurses, and the hospital staff, they know best.

Thank you all the staff at Clatterbridge NHS hospital.


Borough councillor