I WOULD like to ask Mr Martin McCannon of Warrington Borough Council's highways department why the lights on the A49 Winwick Road crossing at McDonalds have not been working over April 7 and 8 and days over the past two weeks?

Does he not consider this dangerous on a major dual carriageway? There have been temporary lights fitted but they are not in operation and, I believe, contractors have been employed on this particular patch of the A49, but is anybody supervising the work and its completion dates etc?

It is so hard to believe that there is a whole office in Warrington with people employed to monitor, repair and service the roads in the town and yet they are in such a terrible state.

Speed bumps and traffic calming have raised many letters in Points of View and, I am sure, it is true that they have slowed traffic down in problem areas and lowered accident rates, but why have traffic calming measures been employed in areas where congestion parking and two-way traffic is impossible, making it even more frustrating to Warrington motorists?

Who is coming up with these ideas Mr McCannon? Would he not be better employed at Paramount Studios on the comedy channel?


Harding Avenue, Orford