SOMETHING is missing from your reporting of transport and traffic matters in and around Warrington, namely the large number of trailer advertisements that congestion has brought to the area. The roadside is providing new commercial opportunities. However, local views on this trend do not yet appear to have been tested.

Do your readers, perhaps, welcome something to read when they are stuck on the M6 or as they queue to leave the comforts of 'Halliwell Jones country' for the perils of Leigh? Do they find such advertisements helpfully amusing or dangerously distracting? Do they prefer them to cows, sheep and clear views of the surrounding countryside? Are they, perhaps, a comforting reminder of Warrington's prosperity?

Would they like more, rather than fewer, such advertisements? Is the present spacing sufficiently convenient for writing down the telephone numbers and web addresses? Was last year's sunflower display on the M56 promoting the Maize Maze, a good thing? Indeed, is the borough council missing an opportunity to promote summer flowers, public art and events, in collaboration with the various landowners?

Finally, there is a good authority for believing that the new roadside entrepreneurs are generally acting outside the law. Should the council be prosecuting? Or would it be regarded as a spoilsport if it did? People may, of course, prefer more advertisement therapy to a congestion tax.


Kenyon Lane, Lowton