For many years, 100 in fact, my family have lived in the beautiful village of Grappenhall. I speak out not only on their behalf but also on behalf of all Grappenhall residents who care deeply about preserving this little village which with its Lewis Carroll connections is steeped in charm and historic beauty.

Grappenhall village needs to be updated - was mentioned recently in the press, my question is why? Surely it deserves to remain untouched, preserved and protected.

There are certain people who would like nothing more than to rip up all those uneven cobbles and spread Tarmac in their place, already this has been carried out at the canal end of the village, I think William Roach, perhaps better known as Ken Barlow might have something to say about that! Cobbles are only a problem if you drive fast over them!

The little bridge, which has stood for so many years over the Bridgewater canal, has a weight limit of only eight tonnes and yet, for years, it has been forced to endure the backbreaking weights of dray lorries making deliveries to the pubs in the village, coaches, transport lorries and even motorway lorries, all with complete disregard for the weight limit. Surely this vulnerable little bridge, with no protection, will one day soon collapse under the weight that it is continuously forced to endure!

The gardens of the Old Rectory, which has stood empty for so many years, and where village fetes once took place, have now been cleared and levelled, to make way for what I ask myself?

Destroying what is there is simple, take away the history and it is gone for ever. It can never be replaced.

Grappenhall village is close to my heart and, for the sake of all of us both past and present, should without a doubt be given the respect and protection it so rightly deserves!

Jennifer Leigh
