YOU can't help who you fall in love with, and Corrie's Tyrone looks set to be led up the garden path by Maria.

Rather than condemn the lad for not seeing what is right under his nose, it's Maria who should be getting a slating for her slapdash attempts at a relationship.

Perhaps the dim-witted hairdresser has turned over a new leaf - but she's already cheated on him once, and I can't see her saying no to the next footballer that comes along - or anybody else really.

Talking of mismatched couples, Katy and Martin really ought to think twice about the impact their relationship is having on their families - and the rest of the Corrie audience.

Katy's teenage temper tantrums have left me in no doubt that this young wench must not become a mother for at least the next 10 years.

And she isn't likely to, as, after killing her father in a rage, the guilt gets too much and she heads off to the big hedgehog sanctuary in the sky.

Yes, she tops herself - and don't be fooled when it looks like the suicide attempt has been unsuccessful. A sudden turn for the worse ensures she is a goner.

Over in EastEnders, benefit cheat Keith is about to be caught out. Now, if scriptwriters even dare to develop this in any way, shape or form as a comedy storyline I swear I will switch off forever. There have already been enough 'laughs' based around this family of losers.

Good news of the week is that Hollyoaks' Jake is about to dump Lisa. Way to go