LIKE Macbeth's three witches, Chrissie, Zoe and Sam cackle round the fire as they forsee the downfall of Dirty Den.

Only problem is, things go a bit too far and he ends up buried under the Vic. But the big mystery is, which one of them deals the fatal blow?

I commend EastEnders' wicked wenches for their efforts in getting rid of the Square's biggest slimeball, and can even deal with Sharon the pouting princess popping up.

What I can't deal with is the impending storyline of Pauline being kept awake by Martin and Sonia's night time antics.

They'll soon have a lot more on their plates when Chloe's adoptive parents conveniently get killed off and Sonia has the chance to get her daughter back.

Over in Neighbours, there's a tense moment when the lovely Stuart gets caught up in a bank raid with Toadie and Sindi.

Now we all know that Stuart thinks he is in love with Sindi, but she doesn't deserve him. He needs a nice girl - like me.

You've already got a man Sindi! Leave Stuart alone!

Izzy and Karl's wedding is also on its way, but will the big day go ahead? A last minute trauma causes Izzy to get in her car and drive away - and, as if she hasn't already done enough to Susan, she ends up crashing into her car by accident.

There are happy days ahead in Neighbours. Following the news that Paul Robinson is returning, it has been reported that Annalise is also coming back!