FUNNY stories are needed for a book celebrating Burtonwood's 400th anniversary.

The book will be sold in St Michael's Church and is being compiled by two parishioners.

People are invited to send the Reverend Russ Naylor stories about themselves or their family - the only criteria is that accounts should be true, local and funny.

l PEOPLE with an interest in local history are needed to help compile family trees for Burtonwood's 400 year celebrations.

The family trees will be on display boards and a pictorial history of village industries is also being produced. Anyone willing to help should call 225371.

l FLOWERS in celebration of Burtonwood's four centuries are needed to fill St Michael's church.

The Reverend Russ Naylor is asking anyone who would like to help to consider making a donation.

He said: "Perhaps people would like to contribute towards the flower fund in memory of a loved one."