A PADGATE Karate kid is proving to be a real chip off the old block after he gained his black belt first Dan at the tender age of just nine years old.

Lee Barlow has been training hard with dad Ian, who runs Woolston Karate Club, and the hard work paid off when he made the grade four years ahead of himself.

Pupils usually train for their black belt first Dan at the age of 13 but with extra tuition from dad Ian, who has been doing karate for 30 years, and plenty of dedication on his part, Lee is one step ahead.

Ian said: "I'm very proud of Lee, he's worked really hard and has been training five times a week. He's very determined and wants to be a karate instructor when he grows up and run his own empire. I'm sure he'll do it, he's a natural."

Woolston Karate club runs at Woolston CE Primary School on Epping Drive on Wednesdays from 6.30pm until 7.30pm for children and from 7.30pm until 8.30pm for adults and a mixed class is held on Saturday from midday until 1pm.

Turn up at the sessions or call Ian on 825934.