THE war of words over the rights and wrongs of erecting a mobile phone mast on a church tower in Orford reached a new level this week after a councillor condemned the plans.

Borough councillor Mike Hannon will not be supporting plans to erect a T-Mobile mast on the flagpole of St Margaret and All Hallows Church in Orford Green.

In a letter to the vicar of St Margaret's, the Rev John Reed, Clr Hannon writes: "After much deliberation and discussion with residents of the area I have come to the conclusion that it would be in the best interest of the church and community not to have the mast sited at St Margaret's.

"There is quite clearly a national debate on this subject as to their safety and I believe that the argument has neither been won or lost.

"I feel that the sitings of such masts need to be in industrial areas rather than residential areas. I would therefore ask you and your church council not to proceed with the mobile mast."

The matter is currently in the hands of the church, which is still considering its decision after the plans were approved under delegated powers of the borough council's development control department.

It is understood the church will receive payment from the telecommunications giant for allowing the mast to be erected in the church flagpole, a move that has been condemned as immoral by some residents.

The controversial application has caused a huge divide among the community, with residents being split as to whether to support or oppose the mast.

For the past year, homeowners have been fighting the proposals for the mast while parishioners have largely given it their backing.

Earlier this year, T-Mobile did not attend a public meeting organised by Clr Hannon to allow residents to discuss the proposals.

Instead, it agreed to hold drop in sessions with individual residents.

Clr Hannon, who has not had a reply to his letter, continued: "There is a huge grey area surrounding the risks of mobile phone masts and while we don't know that they are dangerous we can't afford to be taking these risks.

"The heart of a community is no place for a mast."