PLEASE do not take any notice of the letter from W Macdonald of Wistaston Road (Crewe Guardian 31.3.05) who said that the residents of Wistaston Road would "gladly find a home for the humps"

NO! we will NOT.

He obviously has no idea of what it is like for residents who live on roads that already have the humps.

Has he not read all the letters in the Guardian of people who complain that they cause damage and disruption to their houses as they shake the foundations?

And as for the "noise of heavy engines revving and constant shaking of our houses by some of these heavy vehicles that we have to endure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week" it would be nothing to the noise and shaking of our houses by EVERY vehicle that passes over the humps, not just the heavy goods vehicles.

We would end up with potholes in the roads, (that would make the roads dangerous - especially for cyclists) as they have everywhere that there are road humps.

I agree with the other points raised in Mr Mcdonald's letter about there being too much traffic, too many HGVs and people having no regard for pedestrians, along Wistaston Road but as for the humps, no, they need dumping!

Wistaston Road resident.

Name & Address supplied.