A LOVING relative has recalled the great affection in which family and friends held her grandfather.

Kay Livingstone, originally from Howley and now living in Moore, spoke of the tributes paid to Robert Oxley, who died, aged 96, at the end of March.

The Warrington Guardian interviewed Mr Oxley, of Mason Street, Howley, back in February 1998.

The former galvaniser at Rylands was then the oldest allotment holder at Victoria Park in Latchford.

He explained the benefits of being a dedicated gardener and said that his outdoor life had kept him out of doctor's surgeries for more than 40 years, as he never caught colds.

The great-great-grandfather said: "There are lots of benefits to having an allotment. Homegrown fruit and vegetables taste better and its cheaper to grow your own, I supply all my family."

Kay said: "The allotment was his life.

"He was very popular and everybody knew him."

Joe Pucill, aged 60, from Brighton Street, Whitecross, knew Mr Oxley for more than 15 years as they tended to the allotments together.

Mr Pucill said: "Bob was a nice gent and very popular on the allotments. He knew handy hints and tips from his years on the allotments and he would pass them on."

At the end of a day on the allotments, the two friends would share a cup of tea and a drop of whisky.

Mr Pucill said: "He would always have his spaniel with him, the only vegetarian dog I know.

"It would eat his potatoes and he'd feed him peas from the pod!"

Mr Oxley only gave up his allotment this January.

He was also fond of fixing clocks and fixed one in hospital just before he died on Saturday, March 26.

His funeral was held at St Alban's Church, Bewsey Street, on Monday afternoon.