CREWE Alex striker Steve Jones mustered a man-of-the-match performance at Millwall on Saturday just hours after helping his 10-month-old son win his fight for life.

Baby Milo had to be resuscitated three times after the 28-year-old and his wife Lisa rushed him into Leighton Hospital with a chest infection and high temperature, last Friday.

Prematurely born and weighing just 1lb 6oz at 24 weeks, Milo has currently been dependent on a life-support machine to treat his chronic lung disease.

He has suffered numerous health problems, ranging from heart complaints and feeding difficulties to bronchialitis, septicaemia and defective eyesight.

Doctors at Leighton Hospital brought him round three times after falling unconscious before his condition stabilised with Milo now safely back at home.

His recovery spurred 'Jonah' to star with a strike in Crewe's dramatic fightback around 24 hours later, although they eventually lost 4-3.

"We took him into hospital because his temperature was sky high," he explained.

"He went unconscious and it was really scary. I thought Milo had been doing well on oxygen but he wasn't too well last week and obviously he was back in hospital.

"Hopefully he'll get stronger over the summer."

Crewe boss Dario Gradi said: "Steve did really well to play for us because Milo had to be resuscitated three times," he explained

"I had a call from him saying he may not be able to make the game but then he rang back saying his son had smiled at him and it would be okay."