IT'S hard to believe that it is eight years since the release of Torn.

But now with her third album, Counting Down the Days, the former soap star turned songstress still has an ear for a good tune and a pleasing enough voice to match.

Natalie Imbruglia has tended to keep herself quiet in between recordings but this is a good return to form.

Admittedly, this album seems split into two parts.

Firstly there are the catchy, radio-friendly songs that are harmless enough. First single Shiver is the perfect example.

But there is also something different about the back half of the album.

A run of beautifully crafted ballads and slower numbers, that get better each time you listen ... When You're Sleeping and Perfectly being real winners.

Just one quibble though. Looks like Imbruglia is becoming a bit too big for her boots. Because while everyone else is coming back for the 20th anniversary Neighbours special (Kylie will be there), Nat has said no. Shame on you.

Still a good album though!