WARRINGTON solicitor George Dickenson has won his first trophy in 33 years as a player in the Warrington Sunday Soccer League.

The 53-year-old striker helped Division Four team Wolf Pack lift the Red Lion Cup in a 2-1 defeat of Insall Smithys on Sunday - 26 years after his last Red Lion Cup final appearance with Allied Alex.

Dickenson still has an ambition he would like to fulfil before retiring as a player.

He said: "I would like to be the first player in the league to be still playing at the age of 60. It may not happen, but I would like to think it will."

His 41-year-old teammate, Steve Taylor, paid tribute to Dickenson saying: "He's the manager, captain and secretary for the team and he's always run his clubs for fun.

"He deserves his first trophy and it was a nice moment to see him lift the cup."

Dickenson's hour of glory was in doubt at one stage as Taylor explained: "George injured his ankle in the semi-final win and was in hospital the next day. He was a bit worried that he wouldn't make it for the final but he had some physio treatment and came through."

In league matches this week, Reform were no match in the Premier Division for Cheshire Hawthorne, who put six goals past them via Paul Woodall, two, Mark Hughes, Craig Marshall and Stuart Mannion.

Brooklands had a field day as they put seven goals past Racing Rovers in Division Two. Lee Houghton and Steven Skillander each fired home a hat-trick, and Scott Hamilton chipped in with a penalty.

Farmers Arms beat Elephant FC 3-2 courtesy of two strikes from Brian Cox and one from Steve Firth.

Andy Croughn netted twice and Craig Hoyland added another in Socrates' 3-2 win against Turf and Feather.