by Claire Blundell

LETTERS of recognition and thanks have been received for two members. Maureen Britch has knitted tiny vests to help save penguins in Australia and Ann Capstick has provided knitted garments for premature babies at Warrington Hospital.

The speaker for the evening was Robert Kitchen, a producer of organic cheese from Lancashire. His flamboyant waistcoat was an indication of what was to follow in his demonstration. In his own words, it was light-hearted, educational and entertaining. As well as making cheese, he ensured that no-one will look at cheese in quite the same way again!

Competition winners, for cheese scones, were Chris Shepherd, Pat Prince and Edith Griffiths.

A short game of Countdown was enjoyed before the meeting ended with the singing of the National Anthem.

The next meeting is on Thursday, April 28.